about dim sum

2024-05-20 09:42

1. about dim sum

  更新1:  sorry you can write chinese ok. i understand ...............thanks
 ,no problem la, I would like to give you below receipt, I hope you will like it.      receipt 1:      原料: 面粉,芝麻,麻酱,椒盐,碱。      做法: 天凉可使温水,天热可使凉水和面。十分之七的未发面加入十分之三的发面揉匀。将麻酱掺入香油,椒盐和匀,卷在面片里,然后做成相等的小块,用手按扁,中间再少抹点芝麻酱,周边拢起,包成圆形,再按成小饼。刷水粘芝麻,再用擀面杖轻轻一擀。先在平锅上烙到六成熟,再入烤箱里烤熟,熟后面呈金黄色。先烙烤无芝麻的一面。      receipt 2:      材料:    糯米粉150g    糖38g    水133g    猪油/固体菜油10g    豆沙150g(分8份)      做法:    1. 糖加水煮溶,息火即加入糯米粉和油,搞匀待涷。    2. 糯米粉铺枱面,用手搓一搓,分8份后包入豆沙,开濶按扁。    3. 细火煎至两面金黄。      receipt 3:    这个做法我觉得你应该会喜欢,而且有个故事,但因为太长,我比个网址你自己睇啦.    肉末烧饼-火烧的做法    meishiku/mimianxiaochi/miandianlei/1176170336115314, 

about dim sum

2. dimsum是什么意思


Dimsum commonly refers to:
Dim sumDIM SUMDim SumHong Kong Tourism Board Guide to Dim SumLe Petit RobertPeking PorkSong GaoTofu Skin RollXO SauceShumai(MINIMUM 50 PERSONS) For $7.00 SELECT SEVEN ITEMS, ONE NOODLE & ONE DRINK For $6.00 SELECT FIVEN ITEMS, ONE NOODLE & ONE DRINKAssistant manager et développeur d'affairesChinese New Year celebrations

3. dim sum什么意思

adj. 暗淡的;模糊的;笨的。
v. 使暗淡;使失去光泽。
n. 车头近光灯;停车灯。
dim可用作不及物动词,意为“(灯光等)变暗淡”; 也可用作及物动词,意为“使(灯光等)变暗淡”或“使(眼睛)变模糊”。
dim接out可表示“变弱”,而dim up则指“逐渐增强”。
用作形容词 (adj.)
Most comets are so dim that they can not be seen by the naked eye.彗星很暗淡,肉眼看不见。
He spoke with firmness, but his face was very sad and his eyes at times were dim.他讲话时预期坚定,但面带愁容,时而眼神暗淡。
I made out two dim shapes in the gloom.我在朦胧中看出有两个模糊的影子。
She is rather dim about the importance of keeping records.她不明白作记录的重要性。
用作动词 (v.)
Old age hasn't dimmed her memory.她虽然年事已高,但记忆并未模糊。
The light of a candle is dimmed by sunlight.烛光在日光下显得很黯淡。

用作形容词 (adj.)
dimrecollection 依稀记得
dim room 光线暗淡的房间
dim sound 模糊不清的声音
eyes dim with tears 模糊的泪眼
用作动词 (v.)
dim abruptly 突然地变暗
dim prematurely 过早地失去光泽
dim scarcely 光线减弱
dim down the lights 使灯光暗下来
dim out a light 使灯光转暗
dim by clouds 乌云使天色变暗
dim with steam 因有水汽而模糊
dim with tears 泪眼蒙眬

dim sum什么意思