
2024-05-29 14:19

1. 哪里可以下载最新的投行研究报告?



2. 高盛研究报告


3. 请问各位摩根高盛或各大投行的前辈进来看看



4. 摩根、高盛这些投行的大股东都是谁啊?是罗斯柴尔德?


5. 高盛 摩根 谁是美国第一投行?


高盛 摩根 谁是美国第一投行?

6. 如何到摩根士丹利,高盛的投行部实习,有什么要求吗?

At Morgan Stanley, solving complex challenges and fueling economic growth across continents is what we do. On any given day, you might be facilitating and underwriting transactions, or providing liquidity and capital for a growing global economy. We'll give you the opportunity to become involved in making a real difference. There are various opportunities available for motivated individuals around the globe.

Morgan Stanley analysts are graduates who may not have extensive professional experience in investment banking or knowledge of the financial world. They come from a wide variety of backgrounds and interests—but all are high achievers who share integrity, intellectual curiosity and the desire to work in a congenial atmosphere with like-minded people.

As an Associate, you come to Morgan Stanley with several years of professional experience, an MBA or other advanced degree. You are well prepared to put your knowledge to work at a firm that is a worldwide leader, in a collegial atmosphere where you can make an impact quickly.

Quantitative Finance Internship and Full-Time Programs
As a graduate of an advanced degree program in a quantitative field (such as Mathematics, Engineering, Physics, Quantitative Finance or Computer Science) you are ready to put your knowledge to work at a firm that is a worldwide leader, in a collegial atmosphere where you can make an impact quickly.

Summer Analyst
Summer Analyst programs are available for candidates in their final year of study. These internships are designed to attract, develop and continually assess those students who are most likely to succeed with us. Through training, seminars, social events and the experience of working with top people in our industry, students gain a unique insight into our industry and an invaluable career advantage.

Summer Associate
Summer Associate programs are available for candidates between their first and second years of MBA study. These programs are designed to provide candidates with in-depth exposure and hands-on experience in their business area while rapidly enhancing their professional skills and knowledge.

Spring Insight Program
If you are a first-year student of a three-year degree course, or a second-year student of a four-year course in EMEA, and are considering a career in banking, the Spring Insight Program gives you an opportunity to learn more about the Financial Services industry and a chance to experience the unique culture of Morgan Stanley.

Industrial Placement Program
Aimed at undergraduates completing a four-year degree with a year out in industry, these programs are designed to attract, develop and continually assess those students who are most likely to succeed with us. Through training, seminars, social events and the experience of working with top people in our industry, you will gain a unique insight into our industry and an invaluable career advantage.

7. 哪家券商投行的研究报告比较权威?

推荐 国金证券、南方证券:值得参考
 反对 银河证券,新希望:反面教材,和他们反过来一定是对的

  比如 宣震,罗俊,吴劲松..都是股民的好朋友



8. [求]投行研究报告中的数据及处理问题
