sub-loan crisis什么意思

2024-05-18 10:50

1. sub-loan crisis什么意思


祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*) 

sub-loan crisis什么意思

2. sub-prime crisis是什么意思?

  sub-prime crisis,您说的这个英文词语在我国中很常见,是属于英文会计考试核心词汇其中的一个,学好该类词汇对您的英文证书考取过程非常重要,这个词的翻译如下:次贷危机。



3. sub-prime crisis是什么意思啊??

  sub-prime  crisis,您说的这个英文词语在CMA的考试中比较常见,学会这个词语对考取英文CMA资格证书特别有帮助。这个词语的汉语意思是:次贷危机。



sub-prime crisis是什么意思啊??

4. Sub-Prime Mortgages 是什么

Sub-Prime Mortgages 次级抵押贷款 (次贷)

Prime Mortgages 优级抵押贷款

5. 什么是全球性信贷危机(credit crunch)?为什么美国次贷危机(sub prime mortgage crises)导致了全球信贷危机

次贷危机又称次级房贷危机(subprime lending crisis) ,也译为次债危机。它是指一场发生在美国,因次级抵押贷款机构破产、投资基金被迫关闭、股市剧烈震荡引起的风暴。它致使全球主要金融市场隐约出现流动性不足危机。美国“次贷危机”是从2006年春季开始逐步显现的。2007年8月席卷美国、欧盟和日本等世界主要金融市场。 












阿牛贷款公司短短几个月就取得了惊人的业绩,可是钱都贷出去了,能不能收回来呢?公司的董事长——阿牛先生,那也是熟读美国经济史的人物,不可能不知道房地产市场也是有风险的,所以这笔收益看来不能独吞,要找个合伙人分担风险才行。于是阿牛找到美国经济界的带头大哥——投行。这些家伙可都是名字响当当的主儿(美林、高盛、摩根),他们每天做什么呢?就是吃饱了闲着也是闲着,于是找来诺贝尔经济学家,找来哈佛教授,用上最新的经济数据模型,一番鼓捣之后,弄出几份分析报告,从而评价一下某某股票是否值得买进,某某国家的股市已经有泡沫了,一群在风险评估市场里面骗吃骗喝的主儿,你说他们看到这里面有风险没?用脚都看得到!可是有利润啊,那还犹豫什么,接手搞吧!于是经济学家、大学教授以数据模型、老三样评估之后,重新包装一下,就弄出了新产品——CDO(注: Collateralized Debt Obligation,债务抵押债券),说穿了就是债券,通过发行和销售这个CDO债券,让债券的持有人来分担房屋贷款的风险。 




这下又把对冲基金乐坏了,他们是什么人,手里有1块钱,就能想办法借10块钱来玩的土匪啊,现在拿着抢手的CDO还能老实?于是他们又把手里的CDO债券抵押给银行,换得10倍的贷款,然后继续追着投行买普通CDO。嘿,当初可是签了协议,这些CDO都归我们的!!!投行心里那个不爽啊,除了继续闷声买对冲基金之外,他们又想出了一个新产品,就叫CDS (注:Credit Default Swap,信用违约交换)好了,华尔街就是这些天才产品的温床:不是都觉得原来的CDO风险高吗,那我投保好了,每年从CDO里面拿出一部分钱作为保金,白送给保险公司,但是将来出了风险,大家一起承担。 






什么是全球性信贷危机(credit crunch)?为什么美国次贷危机(sub prime mortgage crises)导致了全球信贷危机

6. 请英语超历害的帮忙翻译下

China's banking sector deal with the U.S. sub-prime crisis response 


Since the beginning of 2007 the world has witnessed a U.S. sub-prime mortgage crisis that later evolved into a global credit crunch. Crisis spreading at an alarming rate, to Western financial institutions and global financial markets, the impact is greater than the 20th century, late 80's crisis, the U.S. savings and loan institutions, but also no less than 11 years ago, the Asian financial crisis. It is combined with the U.S. housing recession and fermentation is the development of further slowdown in the U.S. economy, and the world economy have a certain negative impact. 
In the "butterfly effect" under the influence of the U.S. sub-prime mortgage crisis has caused a worldwide upheaval in financial markets. Economic and financial globalization and increasingly fierce competition in the financial markets in a modern commercial bank risk management has put forward higher requirements. While the U.S. sub-prime mortgage crisis did not bring disaster to our country, but the increasingly open China's financial sector and asset speculative atmosphere is pervading the stock and property markets, this also has a reference role, and China should take into account is how the U.S. sub-prime mortgage crisis lesson, take precautions against danger. This paper analyzes the occurrence of the U.S. sub-prime crisis and its impact, and in-depth analysis of the U.S. sub-prime crisis on domestic bank management insights, and to explore China's banking industry deal with the U.S. sub-prime crisis. 
Key words sub-prime mortgage crisis, subprime mortgage risk management of commercial banks in financial supervision

7. 哪位英文高手可以帮忙翻译下下面这段文字吗?关于次贷危机的!

The United States sub-prime mortgage credit crisis starting in the spring, the extension in early summer, between July and August at midsummer resonance expansion for the global financial turmoil. In spite of the world's central banks join hands to inject capital, the Federal Reserve to lower interest rates, such as rediscount interventions to alleviate the current potential danger, but the shock waves still continue to spread. Domestic public opinion in August have been given this case a higher international financial concerns, August 24, 2008 after another Bank of China, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Construction Bank Center Daily News have to disclose the amount of bonds held by the sub-loan news happened, but also proves that Chinese during the crisis can not be completely related to things outside the body. 
At present, an accurate estimate of line, including three Chinese financial institutions in the sub-loan losses in bond investments, as an overall assessment of the global credit turmoil, the overall loss of meeting of the whole story, it is too early too. However, in order to examine the macro-perspective of the global accumulation of sub-loan crisis, the outbreak, the spread of the path can be summed up a number of lessons learned, on the abnormal high asset price bubbles, capital controls will not go to the Chinese is the mirror Kam. Reality shows that financial liberalization should be on at the nature of the progress of the financial system, including the risk prevention system being perfected.controller, financial institutions, real estate in areas such as the "strong" and should redouble its vigilance of the asset bubble, not to today's excitement for tomorrow's pain. 
International observers in the analysis of the financial turmoil generally agreed that the implementation of the Federal Reserve long-term low interest rate policy, derivatives market too far from the real economy, financial culture is still owed to improve, is the financial turbulence of the three main reasons. Especially one of the first case. 
At the United States the longest economic boom after the dotcom bubble burst, the "911 Incident" and other factors, forced the Federal Reserve cut interest rates a row. There is no reason to blame the economic policies to stimulate the overall orientation. However, in the specific operation, the Federal Reserve's monetary policy is still worthy of the reflection. Its first two years of efforts to cut interest rates is too large, the real interest rate and sometimes even negative; since then, although 17 consecutive rate hikes, the federal funds rate from 1% to 5.25%, the dollar still in the stage of long-term depreciation. To study inflation, the Fed at the early success experienced after the second half of 2003 to the second half of 2005 have seen a slightly higher monthly CPI growth situation, in September 2005 and even reached 4.7%. U.S. Federal Reserve on interest rates at too cautious, slow response, the global excess liquidity to blame, but also the formation of the root causes of the current round of financial turbulence. By Yes It seems that the monetary authorities correctly judge the situation and take decisive measures to be important. 
Derivatives Market chain is too long, while the fundamentals were ignored, but also the risk of continuing to enlarge. America's subprime mortgage credit of the actual demand for housing starts, but has been derived into different layers of the Level of investment capital providers varieties. And subprime mortgage customers to pay security and the repayment ability of customers out of touch, more based on the assumption of rising house prices. Popular in the housing market, the banks have been the high interest income, financial institutions rush on mortgage derivatives. Once entering the real estate market down cycle, then default emerge crisis. Because the chain is too long, the market self-regulation and external regulation have become very difficult; aspect due to many middle to "other people's money," the player a very weak risk awareness. Long-chain risk is widely dispersed, but after the outbreak of the crisis resonance effect may be more tragic. 
Meeting loan crisis also showed that, even if the financial industry in the United States such a highly developed country, the mass level of financial culture has yet to be improve. All kinds of reports show that in the United States to apply for credit from subprime, many people even do not know what compound interest, it will not calculate the cost of future mortgage, but still in great enthusiasm to apply for its own inability to repay the mortgage, stay in their own inability to purchase housing. Those who do so many people, however, the mass mania of the market will never be able to overcome volatile Change the iron rule of a sudden rupture of the bubble is bound to bring enormous economic and social pain, bear the brunt of those who strayed into the bubble is a pair of vulnerable groups.


8. 求解十个关于经济危机的英语单词,并要求其附上英文解释

subprime :次贷
 credit crisis:信贷危机
 sell-off:抛盘 . under strain : 处于窘境 . mortgage debt :抵押债务 recession :衰退
 liquidity:偿债能力,流动性. hoard cash:揽现 meltdown:萧条,彻底垮台
. short-term Treasuries :短期国债 credit crunch:信用紧缩. plummet:直线下降: hedge fund: 套利基金;避险基金. stimulus:刺激(方案) rate cut:利率下调