
2024-05-29 20:06

1. 萨马兰奇英文简介

Juan Antonio Samaranch Torelló, 1st Marquess of Samaranch (17 July 1920 – 21 April 2010) was a Spanish sports official who served as the seventh President of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) from 1980 to 2001. Early life Samaranch was born into a wealthy family in Barcelona. As a child, he was a keen roller hockey player. During the Spanish Civil War, he was conscripted into the Republican forces in 1938, at the age of 18, to serve as a medical orderly. However, he was politically opposed to the Republic, and escaped to France. He quickly returned to Nationalist Spain under Francisco Franco and enrolled in the Spanish fascist movement Falange.Business and political career After the defeat of the Republic in 1939, Samaranch studied commerce at IESE Business School in Barcelona. He had a short career as a sports journalist for La Prensa, which ended in his dismissal in 1943 for criticizing the supporters of Real Madrid C.F. after that club's 11–1 defeat of FC Barcelona, and then joined his family's textile business. He joined the board of La Caixa, Spain's largest savings bank, in 1984, and served as President of the board from 1987 to 1999. He remained as honorary president from his retirement in 1999 to his death.Samaranch served on the municipal government of Barcelona, with responsibility for sports, from 1955 to 1962. He was a procurador (member of the lower house) of the Cortes Espa�0�9olas during the last decade of the Franco regime, from 1967 until the restoration of democracy in 1977. From 1967 to 1971, he also served as "national delegate" (minister) for sports, and from 1973 to 1977 he was the president of the diputación (governing council) of the Province of Barcelona. He was appointed Spanish ambassador to the Soviet Union and Mongolia in 1977, immediately after the restoration of diplomatic relations between the countries: this post helped him to gain the support of the Soviet bloc countries in the election to the presidency of the IOC, held in Moscow in 1980.He had been the chef de mission of the Spanish team at a number of Olympic events, before he was appointed Government Secretary for Sports by Spanish Head of State Francisco Franco in 1967. He also became the president of the Spanish National Olympic Committee and a member of the IOC. He was vice-president of the IOC from 1974 to 1978. IOC Presidency Samaranch was elected President of the IOC at the 83rd IOC Session, held in Moscow prior to the 1980 Summer Olympics – between 15 July and 18 July 1980.During his term, Samaranch made the Olympic Games financially healthy, with big television deals and sponsorships. Although the 1984 Summer Olympics were still boycotted by the Soviet bloc, the number of IOC participating member nations increased at every Games during Samaranch's presidency. Samaranch also wanted the best athletes to compete in the Olympics, which led to the gradual acceptance of professional athletes.One achievement of Samaranch was the financial rescue of the IOC, which was in financial crisis in the 1970s. The games themselves were such a burden on host cities that it appeared that no host would be found for future Olympiads. Under Samaranch, the IOC revamped its sponsorship arrangements (choosing to go with global sponsors rather than allowing each national federation to take local ones), and new broadcasting deals, commercialising the Olympics and making them more economically viable.It became a tradition for Samaranch, when giving the President's address at the close of each Summer Olympics, to praise the organizers at each Olympiad for putting on "the best ever" Games. He withheld this phrase only once, at the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta where the organization had come under heavy criticism.In 2001, Samaranch did not apply for the presidency again. He was succeeded by Jacques Rogge. He then became Honorary President for Life of the International Olympic Committee. Samaranch served the second longest term as the head of the IOC, 21 years, the longest being that of Pierre de Coubertin (29 years). Following his retirement, Samaranch played a major role in Madrid's bid for the 2012 and 2016 Olympics, though both were unsuccessful. In 1991 he was given the title of Marqués de Samaranch by King Juan Carlos of Spain in recognition of his contribution to the Olympic movement.Criticism Samaranch was criticised for several scandals and instances of corruption that occurred within the IOC during his tenure as president. In the aftermath of a bribery scandal surrounding the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, Utah, an inquiry held in camera expelled several IOC members, but cleared Samaranch of wrongdoing. Samaranch set up a commission to investigate the corruption and introduced reform of the bid process as a result of the scandal.Family Samaranch married Maria Teresa Salisachs Rowe, known as "Bibí" (26 December 1931 – 16 September 2000), on 1 December 1955. She died in Spain while he was attending the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney. Two children were born of this marriage; his son, Juan Antonio Samaranch Salisachs, has been a member of the International Olympic Committee since 2001, while his daughter, Maria Teresa Samaranch Salisachs, has been president of the Spanish Federation of Sports on Ice since 2005.Death Samaranch died of cardio-respiratory failure in the Hospital Quirón in Barcelona on 21 April 2010, having suffered ill health for several years prior to his death.As a recipient of the Gold Medal of the Generalitat of Catalonia, Samaranch was laid in state in the Palau de la Generalitat. His funeral mass was in the Cathedral of Santa Eulalia, on 22 April 2010 and was attended by representatives of the Spanish royal family and of the Olympic movement.希望帮到你咯~


2. 萨马兰奇作文素材萨马兰奇英语有关萨马

[萨马兰奇作文素材萨马兰奇英语有关萨马]萨马兰奇作文素材萨马兰奇英语有关萨马兰奇的作文关于萨马兰奇的作文点击进入查看全文2010虎年运势测算,走好运,发大财!幸运随你行!文/张书乐素材萨马兰奇据业界同伴通英语素材报过去的最新新闻炫夸,向来眼错落的《七龙珠OL》在作文素材华代理权之争行将落下帷幕,研祥高科技控股团体将粉碎网素材英语游大佬宏大辽阔、久游,为手握七龙有关萨马作文"萨马兰奇作文素材萨马兰奇英语有关萨马"珠的代理商,萨马兰奇作文素材萨马兰奇英语有关萨马。而更为令惊异的是,正本传言代理费用高达300素材有关0万美金,而极有可以或许以超廉价为研祥所取得。英语萨马兰奇研祥高科技控股团体在网游圈可谓新丁,立萨马兰奇作文素材于1993年的研祥,是中国最大的特种计算机咨询、建立、制马兰作文素材造、贩卖和编制整合于一体的高科技企业。但这个貌似和网萨马兰奇有关萨马游八竿子打不着的公司,为何异军突起,和《七龙珠O作文有关萨马L》爆发相干呢?马兰素材br据笔者愚见马兰作文,这和当年暴雪将兽给九城,而罢休宏大辽阔有关萨马兰奇的理由接近,宏大辽阔手握太多游戏,非常英语马兰是26的ALLSTAR盛典上还同步发放了八个不同门类的素材马兰游戏,其再代理一个七龙珠,会投马兰有关入若干好多精神和资源,确切是作文素材马兰个未知数,久游的境况也与之相髣?作文素材作文。而本之研平和曩昔之九城近似,在网游圈都还稚嫩,但也都雄心有关萨马萨马兰奇壮志,这恰恰是运营网游所作文素材萨马兰奇萨马兰奇作文素材萨马兰奇英语有关萨马殷切必要的,而且韩国Ntl-inc公司对其建立的《七龙珠OL》有关英语有着极端激烈的市场,盘算在中国市场上,重新再现韩国网游作文英语在曩昔的光彩,同时也盘算作文有关能够和代理方更好的配合,作文素材《萨马兰奇作文素材萨马兰奇英语有关萨马》。而在这种考量下,选取一个财大萨马兰奇英语气的老牌游戏公司,外表上看运营履历富厚,有较强的市场素材作文素材呼吁力,但却难以有用地举办沟通配合,老牌公司萨马兰奇马兰多一个游戏不多,少一个游英语作文戏不少,仅此而已。反之,作文作文素材纵然研祥是新丁,在市场影有关萨马英语响力上呼吁力不强,但却能够为了和建立商精诚配合,合伙勤萨马兰奇有关奋开拓市场。而更为关键的是,韩国Ntl-inc公司具体可以不作文素材有关萨马寄托老牌企业的市场呼吁力,由于就靠《七龙珠》这个招牌,英语有关就有数以千万计的中国粉丝为萨马兰奇素材之倾倒。35岁以下的群,大多在20年前,就仍然被鸟山明教师的漫画马兰英语所顺服,而这个异样出自鸟山明教师监制的这款游戏,处处作文马兰满盈了鸟山明的气概,而让这些萨马兰奇作文龙珠迷们,在游戏研发阶段就予以了高度注重,乃至前作文素材有关不久该游戏在韩国公测之时,有数中国粉丝就仍然突破说话阻碍作文素材素材,"远赴"韩国起头探求龙珠之旅了,国有关萨马有关萨马兰奇作文素材萨马兰奇英语有关萨马际各大游戏门户站点乃至还推出了"去"韩国玩龙珠的注意攻略。今朝所有关有关萨马必要的就是一个符合的代理商,不那么托大,不那么分袂精神,马兰有关萨马但又有壮健实力的公司,研祥的矛头毕露,其实也就不是什么怪僻英语有关萨马事了。而低代理费计划,也不出预见,由于代理费并不有关萨马作文素材是关键,关键是本分红,只须用户足够多,Ntl-inc哪怕不要有关萨马素材代理费,也可以或许立一个兽古迹来。假使从这个角度意会作文萨马兰奇,代理费只不过是一个标志意义上的签约保证金完了。当然,一切没有尘埃落地之前,我们还不能妄下断言,但这似乎预示着,不论谁代理,我们终归可以和龙珠见面了。文章宣布于未分类.订阅本条RSS及时了解评论静态.如果你感兴趣下面了解更多瓷都免费起名馆萨马兰奇英文介绍dhc男士清透防晒乳周易预测学下载简介文章来源地址:  〔萨马兰奇作文素材萨马兰奇英语有关萨马〕【征服畏惧、建立自信的最快最确实的方法,就是去做你害怕的事,直到你获得成功的经验。】

3. 急。。。。。。福尔摩斯介绍,中英文对照的那种。。。。。

















  按:乔治·梅瑞狄斯在群众版《福尔摩斯探案集》里被译作“乔治·梅瑞秋斯”,译者则含混地注解为“英国著名文学家”,我却四处搜寻不获。经过与原文比照,发现此君名为George Meredith,有译作梅若帝,也有译作梅瑞狄斯,可见“秋”乃“狄”之误植。王佐良著《英国诗史》说生活在十九世纪的他“没有其他好诗来支持或扩大他的成就,他主要仍是一个小说家,而且是引进新题材的重要小说家”。

  歇洛克•福尔摩斯是英国小说家阿瑟•柯南•道尔所创造出的侦探怪杰,现在已成为世界通用的名侦探最佳代名词! 福尔摩斯他不但头脑冷静、观察力敏锐,推理能力更是无人能及。(另外,他的剑术也相当高明) 平常他都悠闲地在贝克街211号的B室里,抽着烟斗等待委托上门。但一旦接到案子,他马上会变成一匹追逐猎狗的狼,开始锁定目标,将整个事件抽丝剥茧、层层过滤,直到最后真相大白!他的好朋友华生医生虽然有点“反应迟钝”,但也正因为如此,才特别衬托出福尔摩斯的足智多谋。 歇洛克•福尔摩斯小档案 十九世纪英国名侦探,是007的老前辈。 总部在英国伦敦贝克街221号B。 身材高大、长脸、浓眉、黑发、鹰钩鼻、灰色眼睛。(福尔摩斯最初之形象——身高瘦削、鹰鼻薄唇、经常拿着烟斗与手杖,就是由佩吉特塑造的,此后所有关于福尔摩斯的插图都是在此基础上加以改进的。因而可以说,佩吉特的插图是读者领略原作神韵和体验故事氛围的最重要的组成部分。结果,演电影时,长相成了选演员的标准。不管身手多差都没关系) 头脑精密、眼光锐利,对毒物、解剖、医学有很深的研究, 说话很快,声调很高。 最佳拍档:华生医生,也是这部回忆录的执笔人。 伦敦街头的一群流浪儿,Baker street Irregulars(贝克街小分队)是他办案的最好助手。他们的头儿是维金斯。 附注: 1891年5月4日与莫里亚蒂教授一起掉入山谷死亡。原因是阿瑟•柯南•道尔厌倦此角色,刻意安排;不过应读者一再要求,福尔摩斯再次复活。 艾琳•艾德勒是福尔摩斯的尊敬的女人。 福尔摩斯是工藤新一最崇拜的偶像。且新一最喜欢福尔摩斯的《四签名》一案。 英文名:Sherlock Holmes 译名:歇洛克•福尔摩斯(夏洛克•福尔摩斯) 国籍:英国 生日:1月6日 星座:魔羯座 血型:O 身高:6英尺(183厘米) 体重:235英磅(107千克) 地址:伦敦贝克街221B 大学:牛津大学 最喜欢的颜色:黑色 最喜欢的食物:哈德森太太做的 最尊敬的女人:艾琳•艾德勒 最喜欢做的事:破案、去剧院听歌 最常说的话: If you precise destruction,in the public interest,I am willing to accept death. 如果能确切的让你毁灭,为了公众的利益,我很乐意接受死亡。 When you have eliminated the impossibles,whatever remains,however improbable,must be the truth. 除去不可能的剩下的即使再不可能,那也是真相 家人:哥哥——迈克罗夫特•福尔摩斯 朋友:约翰•H•华生 对手:莫里亚蒂 看不起的人:雷斯垂德、葛莱森 性格:冷峻、诙谐、机警、沉着、意志坚强 爱好:破案、艺术、音乐、小提琴、拳击、剑术 特长:以上都是 职业:咨询侦探 福尔摩斯的学识范围: 1.文学知识——无。 2.哲学知识——无。 3.天文学知识——无。 4.政治学知识——很少。 5.植物学知识——相当片面,但对于莨菪制剂、鸦片及毒品却知之甚详。而对于实用园艺学却一无所知。 6.地质学知识——偏于实用,但也有限。但他一眼就能分辨出不同的土质。他在散步回来后,曾把溅在他的裤子上的泥点给我看,并且能根据泥点的颜色和坚实程度说明是在伦敦什么地方溅上的。 7.化学知识——渊博。 8.解剖学知识——准确,但无系统。 9.惊险文学——很广博,他似乎对近一世纪中发生的一切凶杀事件都深知底细。 10.音乐知识:提琴拉得很好。 11.体育知识:善使棍棒,也精于刀剑拳术。 12.法律知识:关于英国法律方面,他具有充分实用的知识。 履历表: ※1854年(出生) 福尔摩斯该年出生,祖父为世代乡绅(《希腊语译员》),成长环境不详,但从其年长七岁的哥哥的工作来看(希腊语译员、证券经济人的书记员),说明他家道中落(当时的绅士是不工作的)。有一位叫弗纳•凡尔奈的做医生的远亲(《诺伍德的建筑师》)。兄弟大概都是由乳母南妮养大的。 ※1861年(7岁) 进入贵族学校(寄宿制度)或是请家庭教师接受教育。祖母是法国拿破仑时代的画家贺拉斯•凡尔奈的妹妹。福尔摩斯自认为他也继承了这样的血统(血液中的这种艺术成分很容易有最奇特的遗传形式《希腊语译员》)。福尔摩斯家里形成了良好的音乐气氛,少年时代开始学习拉小提琴。 ※1867年(13岁) 虽然当时的贵族子弟一般都要进入公学(贵族和上流社会子弟,主动体育的学校),但福尔摩斯对这种学校常设的体育项目橄榄球不感兴趣,所以就没有进入这种学校。而是请家庭教师继续传授知识(《新娘失踪事件》) ※1872年(18岁) 进入大学,传说福尔摩斯读的是著名的牛津或剑桥大学。在那时,他不喜好集体体育活动,而喜欢击剑和拳击,专业为化学(《格洛里亚•斯科特号之谜》)。似乎认同“文学知识等于零”这个观点,而且还因此遭到过华生的嘲笑。 ※1873年(19岁) 一年级的最后一个学期,因被同级威克多•特雷佛的狗咬伤,两人便熟识起来,之后的一个夏天,福尔摩斯受邀去威克多•特雷佛家做客,在特雷佛的父亲提醒下,意识到自己有做侦探的条件(当时福尔摩斯的推理、观察能力就已经非常强了)。同年侦破了格洛里亚•斯科特号之谜案件。暑假期间,他多半时间沉迷于化学时间中(《格洛里亚•斯科特号之谜》)。 ※1874年(20岁) 大学的最后一段日子,同学们盛传他的推理方法(《马斯格雷夫礼典》) ※1875年(21岁) 大学毕业。 ※1877年(23岁) 他开始在大英博物馆附近从事侦探工作,为数极少的工作间隙,积极去研究各门科学,为将来打基础。生活得很艰难。 ※1878年(24岁) 侦破了跛足的里科特和他可恶妻子案。 ※1879年(25岁) 受同学雷金纳德•马斯格雷夫的委托,侦破了(《马斯格雷夫礼典》)。 ※1881年(27岁) 在圣巴罗米医院,通过朋友斯坦弗的介绍,福尔摩斯与退役军医华生结识,并合租了贝克街221号B室。并介绍雷斯垂德和葛莱森给华生认识。同年侦破了血字的研究一案。 ※1882年(28岁) 华生开始记录五个橘核案。福尔摩斯开始出名,并以“工作本身就是报酬”安慰过海伦•斯托纳。 ※1883年(29岁) 同年四月侦破斑点带子案。 ※1887年(33岁) 因侦破荷兰—苏门答腊公司案和莫波吐依兹男爵的庞大计划案而在欧洲声名大噪。也因疲劳过度而病倒,前往萨里郡的赖盖特修养(《赖盖特之谜》)。同年四月侦破赖盖特之谜。 ※1888年(34岁) 一月侦破了《恐怖谷》一案。同年七月侦破了《四个签名》案件。福尔摩斯发表了《各种烟草的鉴别》《脚印探索》《职业对手形造成的影响》等几篇文章。侦破了《希腊语译员》一案,而且发表的文章也得到了好评。在侦破《四个签名》案件前几个月,福尔摩斯开始服用可卡因,令华生大为其担心。 ※1889年(35岁) 华生与四签名案中的摩斯坦小姐结婚后而离开贝克街,但仍经常与福尔摩斯一起办案。同年三月,侦破波西米亚丑闻案,而且因案中的艾琳•艾德勒而改变了福尔摩斯小看女人的看法。并首次称华生为《我的传记》作者(《波西米亚丑闻》)。同年六月,侦破歪唇男人、驼背人、证券经济人的书记员及博斯科姆比溪谷案件。同年七月侦破海军协定一案。且是福尔摩斯为维护国家利益所侦破的案件。同年九月侦破工程师的大拇指与五个橘核案。同年十月侦破巴斯克维尔的猎犬一案。 ※1890年(36岁) 秋季侦破红发会案件。同年十一月发生临终的侦探事件同年十二月侦破蓝色石榴石一案。从冬季到春季,福尔摩斯都在法国工作。为追踪莫里亚蒂教授而和华生去了欧洲。 ※1891年(37岁) 《最后一案》中福尔摩斯和宿敌莫里亚蒂教授在瑞士的莱辛巴赫瀑布决一死战。此后便为空。 ※1894年(40岁) 四月,接空屋案。福尔摩斯历险归来,化身为旧书藏书家,揭破案情真相。此间,华生的妻子过世。八月,接诺伍德的建筑师案。依福尔摩斯的请求,华生出让肯辛顿区的诊所,搬回贝克街,与福尔摩斯合住。11月,接金边夹鼻眼镜案 ※1895年(41岁) 四月,接三个大学生案。福尔摩斯与华生在某大学城住了几周,研究英国早期宪章。四月,接孤身骑车人案。六月,接黑彼得案。十一月,接布鲁斯-帕廷顿计划案。获维多利亚女王赐见,并授绿宝石一枚。 ※1896年(42岁) 接带面纱的房客、失踪的中卫案。在华生的督促下,福尔摩斯停用可卡因已有数年之久,此间福尔摩斯时常两眼深陷,面容阴郁。 ※1897年(43岁) 接办格兰其庄园、魔鬼之足案。由于日夜操劳,福尔摩斯健康转坏。案中,福尔摩斯坦承从未恋爱过。 ※1898年(44岁) 接跳舞的人、退休颜料商案。 ※1902年(48岁) 五月,接修道院公学案,此案结束后,福尔摩斯获赏六千英镑。六月,接三个同姓人案,福尔摩斯对被歹徒袭击伤的华生相当关切,表现出冷面背后的情感,使华生大为感动。九月,接显贵的主顾案,福尔摩斯遇袭受伤。接红圈会案。 ※1903年(49岁) 一月,接皮肤变白的军人案。华生再婚离开贝克街,此案由福尔摩斯亲自撰写。夏,接王冠宝石案。九月,接爬行人案,案子结束后,福尔摩斯即告退休。 ※1907(53岁) 福尔摩斯离开伦敦,到塞克斯研究养蜂、享受退休后的田园生活。七月,接狮鬃毛案,这是一起发生在福尔摩斯隐居地附近的命案,由福尔摩斯亲自撰述。与华生偶尔共度周末。 ※1912(58岁) 接办最后致意案,在首相的力邀下重出江湖,花了两年之久,在美国、爱尔兰各地展开调查,最后一举歼灭德国间谍集团。案子结束后,福尔摩斯再度退隐。 ※1914年(60岁) 出版《养蜂实用手册,兼论隔离蜂王的研究》。此后音讯全无,也未传出死讯。


4. 急求一份好的中英文对照的个人简历模板!要word的!谢谢大家了!很急!!!跪求啊!!!!


5. 急求一名胜古迹的中英文对照简介

  【Spain Bilbao Guggenheim Museum】

  Spain Bilbao Guggenheim Museum (the Bilbao Guggenheim Museum)
  By the California architect Frank Gehry (FFrank O. Gehry) design, in 1997, opening it to the Chi Mei modeling, and the specific structure of the new material immediately won worldwide attention.  In the 1990s, the construction of human creative Canruo Xing, Bilbao Guggenheim Museum is undoubtedly the greatest belong to the list, with the Sydney Opera House, they are the future of the world comes in advance of construction, which is not a matter of where Inter-language poem written on the city.
  The total area of the museum covers an area of 24,000 square meters, the exhibition space of 11,000 square meters, there are divided into the Exhibition Hall, 19, an art gallery or one of the world's largest, with an area of 130 meters multiplied by 30 meters square.  Museum of the whole structure of the body by using a set of architects for the aerodynamics of the use of computer software designed step by step.  Museum of building materials in the use of glass, steel and limestone, is also part of the surface coating of titanium metal, and the city's long-standing tradition of shipbuilding echoed.
  【Hall reason】

  Bilbao, Spain (Bilbao), founded in 1300, as a result of excellent port and gradually flourished, rule the roost in Spain during the sea as a major port city, Rijianshuaila the beginning of the 17th century.  The 19th century, producing iron ore and revitalized, but after the mid-20th century, the decline again, a flood in 1983 to more serious destruction of the old city, the city even worse, the trend difficult to draft, although every effort has had no effective solution.  In the early 1990s, Bilbao has become Europe's de facto Jiejie tiny town, were it not for the city team in the Primera Liga is still in place, the vast majority of human life may be heard out in the name of the city.
  For urban revitalization plan, the city government to complete the development of tourism resolution, but not a long history of the city, were not the first ring, not odd customs, scenery poor, and poor old famous track, a variety of tourism resources may be available on January 1, How to attract outside tourists who come to be the number one problem.  Q multi-dollars, has finally decided to build a museum of modern art, many art lovers hope Europe's "cultural journey."  The New York Guggenheim Museum of modern art to the collection for the city, the Foundation had to expand Europe's Zhang Yi, the two hit it off, to create a new museum of contemporary art into a miracle.  As a result, the museum has become the industrial city of Bilbao as a whole urban renewal plan for a ring, and million dollar construction cost.
  About】 【Architects

  Los Angeles architect Frank Gehry's avant-garde architecture has a proven track record, with bold, said the rebels of the design not only to subvert almost all of the classic architectural aesthetic principles, but also swept through the modern architecture, especially the "international style" building with the taboos of platitudes.
  By Los Angeles city and the local cultural characteristics of the radical artist, Gary is determined to explore the early construction of barbed wire, wave plates, processing the crude metal plates, and other low-cost building materials in the use of collage and take, mixed and home, dislocation , The fuzzy boundary to center, non-hierarchical, non-sexual orientation and other means to challenge the established people's values and construction have been tied to their imagination.  His work in the construction sector has been caused uproar, the love of those who praise for the genius of those who hate to destroy the waste, then, as always, Gary, creativity surging, irresistible.  In the end, more and more people to build a tolerant, understanding the cover, and growing awareness of Gehry's creation of value for the world.
  In 1989, a full 60-year-old Frank Gehry has been awarded the construction of the international community's top award - Pritzker Architecture Prize, this time, he has a rebellious youth into a gray elderly, have been accomplished despite the reputation Qinggai time, but he never stopped to the possibility of building a new question, never ceased to free arrival into the depths of the pace.  As a result the beginning of 1991, designed the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, Gehry has become "old age of 1898", jumped to a higher realm of creating an important opportunity.
  【Architectural design】

  The museum site in the city's gateway - the edge of the old city, within Villon south bank of the regional art, a complete access to the city's main channel through an elevated base of the iceberg, from the northern route into the city.
  Villon from the inside view to the north bank of the city, the museum is the most eye-catching in the first layer of the waterfront landscape.  In the face of such an important and challenging of the lot, Gary gives a construction date in the history of the boldest answer: the entire building by a group of outside review of the titanium plate irregular surface-double combination of the amount in the form and Human building's past practice has nothing to do all involved, from the ultra-accustomed to any construction experience.  Gary in the magic of command, construction, the chapter has been solidified by several thousand mobile music once again, play sound shocking.
  In the territorial waters of the north side, in order to cover a longer horizontal movements of the three exhibition halls echoed to the level of the river flow and a sense of the larger-scale relations.  To the North because the reasons for backlighting, the main facade of the building all day long in the shadows, Gehry building would be smart to deal with skin in all directions into a double-curved surface, such as the angle of sunlight changes in the construction of all surface will have Changing effects of light and shade, to avoid a large-scale construction in the north to the sense of boring.
  On the south side of the main entrance, and as a result of the 19th century in the old areas of the building is only one street, the break to take the volume of construction-scale transition to coordinate with the method.  Even better is that Gehry to address the viaduct and its museums under construction conflict will be building an elevated road across the bottom and on the other side of the bridge in the design of a high tower, so that the construction of the viaduct have taken form, Han satisfied trend, And then into the city.  As a link to an elevated road, will cover building Peiran Mo Royal exuberant vitality of radiation into the depths of the city.
  Museum of interior design is extremely exciting, especially at the entrance to the courtyard design, Gehry has been called the "threw the hat in the air out of joy", it created a high-ever direct do not have the space to break the simple geometric order of Powerful impact, Cascading surface ups and downs, rushing up, light pouring down, people's well being, is another feast for the eyes, can not refer to one hundred.  There is in the court, people have been mobilized to participate in all the arts carnival prepared on the experience of Yongchang and bid farewell to the ferry.  In view of Wright in New York Guggenheim Museum of Art exhibits the design of a lack of respect the lessons of Gehry's design exhibition hall of static-simple, easy to create a work of art for the Habitat.
  【The construction of praise and controversy】
  In 1996 the Pritzker Architecture Prize Laureate, Professor at Harvard University, the famous Spanish architect Rafael Moni Ou its heartfelt admiration: "There is no human construction of the building as a masterpiece to the general as the flame burning."
  This works in surplus over the kind of coincide in the culture of Spain, both also arouse the quiet poetry of not only the dumping of thousands of people around the world, has impressed many with Gehry on the bias architect.  Of course, should be the happiest people in the city of Bilbao, the cool breeze from that day, flew Riying, the entire museum as a result of the flow of time, turned into a strange and camouflage, Lin Bo mighty river, lighting up and down one by one with the whole Yi Yi cities with a flicker of building up and dance, they have forgotten the suffering of the city's past, I do not know what Jin Xi Xi?


  西班牙毕尔巴鄂古根海姆博物馆(the Bilbao Guggenheim Museum)
  由美国加州建筑师弗兰克?盖里(FFrank O.Gehry)设计,在1997年正式落成启用,它以奇美的造型、特异的结构和崭新的材料立刻博得举世瞩目。在20世纪90年代人类建筑灿若星河的创造中,毕尔巴鄂古根海姆博物馆无疑属于最伟大之列,与悉尼歌剧院一样,它们都属于未来的建筑提前降临人世,属于不是用凡间语言写就的城市诗篇。




6. 急求一份中英对照的简历!!

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Shanghai HongYuan Logistics Co. Ltd. , 
General Manager Assistant (Oct. 2002 - Present) 
Senior executive with full responsibility for the strategic planning development, operations management, sales, project development, customer service. Maintained excellent business relations with major trading company. Restructuring the organization and implementing procedures to control costs and ensure margins.
North East Airline Shanghai Office, 
East China Sales and Marketing Manager (Oct. 1999 - Oct. 2002) 
Managed a team of 4 people, Responsible for the market development of East China, sales promotion, management and coordination of the sales of travel agency. Developed a sophisticated incentive/bonus plan utilized performance reviews, traveled extensively with reps, participated in sales calls, developed in-house infrastructure to enhance reps performance, and utilized sales kata and statistics to focus effort on greatest potential.
USA Today News Agency Shanghai Bureau, 
Chief Assistant (Aug. 1996 - Oct. 1999) 
Reported and wrote assigned news stories. Wrote and researched feature stories. Engaged in interviewing, news writing, editing, and translation.

Jul. 1996 Shanghai International Studies University, 
Bachelor Degree of Arts in English Literature
Feb. 1998 Japanese Proficiency Test Level I, 
Associated Degree of Arts in English Literature

Computer Operation
MS Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Frontpage, Dreamweaver, Extended knowledge of web applications.
Excellent oral and written communication skills in English and Japanese.

姓名:李明 出生日期:1976年11月
联系电话:6622-2198 性别:男
手机:1368-170-6800 Email: eachone@sohu.com

地址:上海市长宁路800弄15号604室 邮编:200000

1989年9月-1992年7月   上海市西中学  高中毕业
1992年9月-1996年7月  上海外国语大学 英语专业 本科毕业 学士学位
1998年2月    国际日语能力一级考试通过

2002年10月-至今 上海龙和国际储运有限公司
负责公司业务组织和流程的整合, 以降低成本和确保利润, 负责市场和项目开发, 维持和发展和客户的良好合作关系, 参与客户的物流方案设计,协助总经理处理相关的管理工作。
1999年10月-2002年10月 西北航空中国办事处
带领一个4人的团队, 负责华东市场开发, 促销, 协调各旅行社销售, 广告策略实施, 负责和媒介联系, 通过发展奖励分配机制和利用绩效考核, 成功提升扩大销售量达160%, 受总部嘉奖。
1996年08月-1999年10月 南华早报上海支局
个人简介: 工作努力, 善于学习, 对市场具有洞察力和分析力,勇于承担责任, 争取成效,正直诚信, 具有丰富的市场开拓经验。

7. 急求中英对照的新加坡部分资料!

Singapore traveling synopsis
Singapore traveling synopsis: Singapore had fused the multi- races and the cultural region, has modernized the office organization and the shopping center. Has surpasses 70 world-class hotels, 18 holes golf course and very many traveling goes sightseeing the scenic spot. The entertainment and the cultural activity very is also rich, from classical symphony and Chinese Peking opera, to knight cheerful ballet; From rolls Shi Le all to have everything expected to find the performance to newest Hollywood's movie here.
Regardless of you are a sports amateur like the leisure entertainment, Singapore all has very suits your movement place or the project chooses for you. May rent in the east coast park to the windsurfboard, moreover also may carry on the mountain bike movement on eight kilometer long bicycle special-purpose road. May swim on the sandy beach; Nearby the beach has the seafood hall which very many may attempt; Also may fly a kite on the beach. Rides the ferryboat swims to the St. John island and on the turtle islet island, relaxes is you after a day busy work best rest way. Rides a horse in the Singapore horse racing trade union's Asian most beautiful training ground or watches a polo competition in the Singapore polo club all is the tourist is interested in Singapore the activity. The hotel and the neighbor public movement facility all are equipped with the golf course and the tennis court. Generally speaking, Singapore is fills the attractive charm the state.

新加坡国名: 新加坡共和国(The Republic of Singapore)

Singapore country's name reason: Singapore is a city state, the original intention is the lion city. According to the Malaya historical records record, about 1150, Sumatra's room advantage Buddha passed the kingdom prince (+ woodenly) that to go by boat arrives this island, saw a black beast, the native to inform for the lion, then had "the lion city" the name. Singapore is Pali "the lion city" the harmonics, because the local resident is been  deep the Indian culture influence, likes taking the geographic name with Pali. But the lion has, the vigorous characteristic fiercely, therefore by this took the geographic name is the very natural matter. In the past overseas Chinese multi- names it "the Singapore", namely Malay "channel" meaning, also will have because of its is small but is called Singapore, Xingdao.


Singapore national flag: Is composed by on red under white two equal horizontal rectangles, is long and the wide ratio is 3: 2. The top left-hand corner has a curved white crecent moon and five white five pointed stars. Red representative humanity's equality, the white symbol is chaste and the moral excellence; The crecent moon symbol country, five stars represent the national establishment democracy, peace, the progress, the justice and the equal thought. The crecent moon and five stars combination is close but has the foreword, is symbolizing the Singapore people's unity and the cooperation spirit.
















新加坡人口: 331.91万(截至2001年6月),其中华人占76.7%;马来人占13.9%;印度人占7.9%,其他种族1.5%。马来语、英语、华语和泰米尔语为官方语言。国语为马来语。英语为行政用语。主要宗教为佛教、道教、伊斯兰教、基督教和印度教。


交通 新加坡樟宜国际机场和新加坡港是世界上最繁忙的机场和海港之一。旅游新加坡最方便的方法之一是使用联 结票(Transit Link Farecad),可以搭乘新加坡公车(SBS)、环岛公车(TIBS)以及大众捷运系统(MRT)。MRT是新加坡最快捷的交通工具,在市内有许多停靠 站,并通过往数个旅游景点。公共汽车安全而廉价,出租车随叫随有,各式各样交通工具任游人选择。

住宿 新加坡有上百家不同挡次的酒店、旅馆可供旅游者选择。其大部分旅馆设备先进,装饰豪华,服务一流。

货币与购物 新加坡货币为新加坡币。除银行外,还设有多处货币兑换处,兑换旅行支票者须交验护照,不收手续费。

新加坡是购物天堂,最主要的购物场所有樟宜机场、亚拉街购物区、荷兰村、滨海广场、购物中心、乌节路持家董、先得坊、小印度、牛车水、阿拉伯 街。商品种类齐全,应有尽有。在新加坡购物都可以议价,议价之前最好了解一下所购商品的行情。购物时注意商店橱窗上有无贴有红色鱼尾狮标志,有此标志的商 店商品质量与售后服务都较好,可放心购买。购物时别忘了索要发票,因为你要退换商品,须出示发票,旅客在商品质量或服务方成受到不公正待遇时,可向新加坡 消费者协会投诉。

餐饮 新加坡是国际大都会,是全世界的美食天堂之一.其餐饮场所遍及全岛,汇集了当地风味美食和来自世界各地的佳肴,种类繁多,各具特色。新加坡热带水果丰富,价钱便宜质量好,榴莲、芒果、红毛丹、香蕉、椰子等都是有名的热带水果。

邮电通讯 在新加坡有24小时和世界各地联系的通讯服务,邮寄可以在邮局投寄。大多数酒店旅馆柜台也提供邮寄服务,要拍电报也很方便。精致美丽的新加坡邮票是各国旅游者争相收集的对象。


警察局 999(免费)

急 救 995(免费)

旅游咨询中心 3300431/2(免费)

航空查询中心 5424422、5426998、5421234 

移民局 5322877

中国驻新加坡大使馆 7343273

中国国家旅游局 2218681、2219268

天气预报 5427788 



吸烟 在公共交通工具、公共购物和娱乐场所,政府办公机构等地方均禁止吸烟,违者罚款。

行人过路规则 行人横过马路不走人行横道,要被罚款。

乱丢垃圾 乱扔垃圾者罚款。现在,新加坡禁止销售和吃口香糖。

吐痰 在公共场所随地吐痰为违法,违法者课以罚款。

公厕 使用公厕后要抽水冲洗,否则,给予罚款的处罚。

赌博和毒品禁令 根据新加坡政府的规定,除慈善机构模彩,TOTO、新加坡SWEEP彩劵和通过武吉湾俱乐部经手的赛马赌注外,其它任何形式的赌博活动都是被禁止的。在新加坡购买、制造、拥有、进出口超过一定数量毒品,一旦罪名成立,将会面临死刑判决。

小费 新加坡不鼓励给小费。

时差 新加坡比北京晚半小时。


8. 急求达芬奇个人中英文简介!

Leonardo Da Finch Leonardo Da Vinci is the European Renaissance, symbol of human wisdom of the Italy artist, scientist, formerly known as: Leonardo Di ser Piero Da Vinci, April 15, 1452 - May 2, 1519, he left behind a number of paintings handed down, as well as other scientific field research. Leonardo Da Finch, one of the famous Italy Renaissance, Renaissance Europe as a whole is the most representative. He is a profound thinking, have a large stock of information, versatile painter, sculptor, inventor, fabulist, philosopher, musician, medical scientists, biologists, geographers, architect and military engineer. He is a genius, he was a keen artistic creation and theoretical research, on how to use lines and shapes to show three-dimensional shape of a variety of issues; on the other hand, he also studies the natural sciences, art for realistic image, he extensively studied painting with the optics, mathematics, geology, biology and other discipline. His artistic practice and scientific spirit of exploration of the offspring produced great and far-reaching effect.